
Hello friends here e gonna start my new blog which about the most powerful evil power in the world which can not be controlled by anyone. As per the heading of the blog, in this blog, we gonna discuss about the Brahmarakshasa.

Who is Brahmarakshasa:  According to the Hindu Grantha Brahmarakashasa is a spirit of a brahmin guy, a dead brahmin guy, who has done all type of evil things in his entire life or died as a virgin.
Some of u are thinking that what you mean by virgin, so here  am explaining you about this, so according to the Hindu grantha a unmarried brahmin guy who cannot satisfy his lust in his entire life and done all the evil things and at last he died as a lusty guy or as a virgin with fantasy to satisfy his wish, so this type of person becomes brahmarakshasa.
He has done evil things in his life and misuses his knowledge so after his death, he has to suffer as a brahmarakshasa to overcome from his bad works.
>> This word BRAHMARAKSHASA means “Brahmin” and “Rakshas”,  a demon. As per the ancient Hindu texts, they are the powerful demons spirit, Who has a lot of powers and only some powers in the world can fight and overcome them.
>> They have the knowledge of their past life and Vedas and Purana, in other words, they have qualities of both “brahmin” and Rakshasa”. 
>>  As per the Hindu records in the 7th century there was a sanskrit poet mayurabhatta, who has composed the noted “Surya Sataka”(one hundred verses in praise of lore Surya)  was troubled by brahmarakshasa. 
He was doing penance at famous Deo sun temple located at Bihar. Brahmarakshasa was living in the peepal under which, mayurabhatta was doing penance and creating the verses, it was repeating the verses pronounced by mayurabhatta, disturbing him, in order to defeat him mayurabhatta started to pronounce words through the nose. Since brahmarakshasa or other spirits do not have a nose it was defeated and left the tree, which immediately turned dry. After the spirit left Mayurabhatta peacefull created the verses in praise of Lord Surya.
>> Brahma- Rakshasa is the regular feature of Indian stories.
>> According to the stories He had a head like a demon or Choti like a Brahmin. Also, a Brahma Rakshasa eats human beings sometimes. 
>> Usually their hunt was Unmarried girls.
>> In many Hindu temples especially in central India there was many paintings or images of Brahma Rakshasa on the outer wall of temples.

>>There are different plays like Kaisika Natakam in South India where artist play role of Brahma-Rakshas.

>> Further, there is mention of Brahma-Rakshas also in “Jainism” in their scripts and stories.

So it was a small introduction to this powerful demon Brahma-Rakshas, In my next blogs, you will get more information about thus demon or some other powerful demons.

So thanx for reading my blog.

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