In this whole world from when we were in this world, we have to face any types of problems on basis of your skills or luck. Sometimes we have to be prepared for some unusual thing about which we couldn’t think before.
In some cases, a sudden accident happened with you that you are on a road and you feel that there is some evil powers is following you, then how will you be safe from its
>> You feel that a evil power is beside you, and it’s calling you by your name, then the best idea to save yourself from this, ignore the voice.
>> When a spirit is in front of you and its try to haunt you then to save yourself from this condition please do not make eye contact with it.
>> Do not follow the evil powers.
>> Don’t make them angry to save your self.
>> Your willpower have to be very high to fight with them.
>> Don’t be over smart.
>> When you are on the highway and suddenly an unusual shadow try to stop you for the lift, it can be in form of an old lady or a child.
>> According to the Hindu religion Samsan Ghat is the place of Bhola Nath so there any evil power cannot harm you. So it’s better to go there in these type of conditions.
>> When you feel any evil power around you then it’s better to start pronouncing holy mantras or words.
>> To be safe from the evil powers, ignore them.
If you have any query about it then you can ask me.
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